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Grow Your Local Business Online

There are over 1 billion local searches performed online every month. Let us help you with our services to ensure prospective buyers find your site. Call us now to get a free website evaluation, and let us craft your best next steps based on our services, the level of competition you are facing, and the amount of time you have to devote to marketing activities, and which of our flexbile payment structures work best for you.

Keyword Research

Do you really know the 1-5 word phrases (called keywords) your potential customers are using to find your services and products, and which of those keywords bring you the most revenue?  You will with our keyword research offering.
We will produce a list of top, profitable local keywords. This listing is created from an analysis of:

  1. the phrases your prospective customers use to find your services and products
  2. the locality search words (such as "minneapolis" or "st paul") potential buyers use in conjunction with the product keywords   
  3. the traffic your website could be getting from these searches
  4. the potential for business these keywords represent (i.e. - are these customers just shopping - or, buying?)
  5. your competitors’ rankings with these keywords.

If you don't know these keywords, you can't attract valuable traffic.  With this keyword research in hand, your website; search engine local listings; pay-per-click advertising; and other web properties, such as directories, can be optimized to drive traffic to you.

Local Search Results Domination

Do a search for your business, plus a local modifier.  For example: home contractor minneapolis, weddings st paul, and boats minneapolis.
Do you see your website in all areas of the local search:

  • in the top ten local listings, next to the map?
  • in the "natural" listings, under the map?
  • in the pay-per-click area, in the right column?

If you don't, you are losing potential customers, as they are simply not finding your website when they search for your services and products. Let us help you dominate all these areas so your website will attract those customers, all while you do what you do best: serve your customers.

Getting your site found in the local listings

Try searching for your local business in Google. For example:

Do you see your business in the top 10 local businesses, next to the map? If you are not seeing your business - then potential customers just aren't finding you. Let us help you get found in this all-important area to ensure that you get the traffic you deserve from potential customers looking for your services and products.

Getting found in the natural (organic) searches

When you do a search for your local business, are you showing up for the local terms in the search engines' "natural" search results?  Try a search for your local business plus your locality, for example "training minneapolis", "photography st paul" or "tree services st paul".

Is your business showing up in the search results (under the map, if there is one)? This area is often the most trusted area for searchers, as search engines carefully craft their algorithms to serve up what they have determined best suits the searchers' needs.

Let us provide the services that get your site ranked in this important area, so prospects can come to your website and turn into customers.

Getting fast business with pay-per-click

When prospective customers do a search for your services and business, they will see results in the right-hand column.  This is known as "pay-per-click" - you pay to have them go to an advertising page on your website when they click on your ad. This can be a very quick way to get potential customers to your site, as you can literally get the advertisements up and going immediately. .  

If you don't do pay-per-click right, though, you can end up wasting a lot of money. Let us help you create effective ads, organize and track the ad's keywords, and create winning, optimized campaigns.

Making your website known throughout the web through article marketing

If you want people to find your website, you want the phrases/keywords your prospective customers use found on properties throughout the web. Towards this, article marketing is very effective, as it gives your business multiple places on the web for people - and search engines - to find you. Plus, other people will often take these articles and add them as content to their websites and newsletters with your links embedded in their content.  It is a win-win for all, and the best way to get known.

Expanding your websites presence with blog marketing

When was the last time you added content to your website?  It is hard to know where to start!

This is where blogs come in. Search engines love fresh content from blogs. Plus, blogs are a great way to present pages with the phrases/keywords that your prospective customers are searching for.

If you love to write - we can set up one (or more) optimized blogs, with keyword suggestions for you to write about. If you would rather not write, we can also create blog posts for one (or more) blogs. We then post/announce each post to over 50 blog directories. 

This means that, like articles, you will have multiple posts throughout the web, thereby increasing the chances that prospective customers will find you. Search engines also have a higher chance of finding your site. Plus, since you have a high number of links coming into your site, they will put you higher in the search results.

Spice up your business with video marketing

When people come to your website, do they stay? And, are they finding your business through the compelling aspects of video media? People go to YouTube to find answers to their issues. In fact, YouTube is the second most visited area of the web. Placing videos on Youtube, on your website, and throughout the variety of video distribution services can get your business found throughout the web, while creating visitor enthusiasm.

Get you business known through press releases

You can promote your business, as well as create multiple properties throughout the web with press releases. People are always attracted to interesting news, and their opinion of your business increases as they read press releases. Plus, there are now online press release services that will distribute your press releases throughout the web. Therefore, people - and search engines -  can find out the unique news and events of your business throughout the web.

Many people find is difficult to write press release - what do you write about, and how do you write it? That is where we come in. We can write press releases, as well as distribute the press releases to continuously-vetted electronic press distribution services.  

Update your site to Drupal - a premier content management system

Do you have to call in an HTML expert every time you want to add or edit your website? That can be costly! Plus, this HTML-expert dependance can severely decrease the chance that you will add those new, fresh updates that keep people - and search engines - coming to your site.

If you want to change your site, we offer the ability to create a new site in Drupal, the foremost content management system. With Drupal, you can add and edit changes yourself. Plus, Drupal is a premier system for getting the search engines to find your site. This page is an example of Drupal in action. Note how you can click on the "read more" link for each of the services, and go to a new page. Therefore, this one page is, in effect, over ten pages of website content. Therefore, there is a ten-fold chance for people - and search engines - to find you. Plus, Drupal is written with "search engine optimization" in mind, and includes all of the features that search engines are looking for when they index the pages to serve to your prospective buyers searches.

If you don't have a website, or want to refresh your site, we can set you up with a basic Drupal package with a standard theme. If you want more than that - we have a wide system of partners we work with to give you superior website design and development. Note, though, that we can still provide you the local services we offer if you don't want to update your site to Drupal.

Keep- and improve - your results with tracking and testing

Continuous improvement is the best way to ensure you get the customers you want today - while continuously increasing the number of customers you get through your website. For this, you need an ongoing program of tracking, combined with ongoing tests to improve the direction your website is taking you. 

Our services include regular reports. We also test a variety of phrases/keywords, change the calls to action, try different words, and, based on tracking, change your website and its properties to improve the number of prospective buyers coming to your site and turning into customers. This provides you with significant, ongoing gains in the number of customers you get from your site.

Call Today

Don't continue to waste hours and money through inefficient marketing means. Call us now and let us provide you with a free, no-obligation evaluation of your site, complete with a roadmap for the next best steps to turn your website into a customer magnet. 

Call or Contact Us To Schedule Your Free, No-Obligation Evaluation! 612-605-7866